Yesterday I watched the classic film 'Witness for the prosecution' which is about a lawyer who just after having a heart surgery, comes to defend a man accused of killing a rich widow. I was stunned to silence by the way he passionately defended the accused, as well as the dedication to the case. Because of that I have already began watching other law shows like JAG and Law and Order. I am also almost a quarter of the way through the book Crime and Punishment. It inspired me so much that today I went to the law school and changed my major to Law. My new dream is to be a professional lawyer and defend those who cannot defend themselves using the art of law. I see myself in the court room emotionally shouting my objections and loudly arguing my evidence. I will also be making a lot of cash like most lawyers do. It thrills me every time I think of going to work in my nice suit every day; I'm also planning on bringing the wigs back into style as they represent what it means to be a lawyer. So if you are hurt in a car accident or if you slip and fall on your way to the super market, I'll be the one to call.
In case you haven't already realized... April Fools!