We first went back in time to see how the pyramids were built. Turns out aliens really had nothing to do with their construction although the daleks did try and prevent them from being built thinking they were weapons to that would help the timelords destroy them. Luckily we were able take a dalek from behind, steel it's metal casing and my 19 year old self disguised himself as the dalek and convinced them they were harmless. And since the pyramids were in fact built they had no choice but to listen to him.
Next we went into the future and landed aboard a spaceship headed for the nearest star. There was just one problem, with the long voyage came division in the crew, some wanted to go home and there was a rebellion which the rest of the crew was able put down but not without serious damage to the ship. That is where we came in. I suddenly knew what to do. I went about fixing the flux capacitors and the fusion drives. I restored the oxygen factories and baked a cake while I was at it. How did I know what to do? How could I have fixed such and advanced futuristic ship? I was because I remembered what I did when I was a five year old, and then again watching myself fixing it as a 19 year old. By the time I was my 22 year old self I knew what to do.
After the adventures I returned my selves back to there proper places in time (after accidentally bring my five year old self five years later then he should have been (My parents probably were wondering why I was acting like such a child)), I got some well deserved rest and watched Doctor Who.